
Gallery 3 is the newest addition to the Gallery Project's portfolio of intuitive photo, video and audio sharing web application solutions. Upon its launch in the Fall of 2010, Gallery 3 offers more control, better uploading and enhanced performance. Its design is based on the the feedback provided by the Gallery Community of Users at large. Serving millions, Gallery is the most widely used system of its kind. Gallery 3, like its predecessors, Gallery 1 and Gallery 2, is free to download and use.

Version 3.0.4 of Gallery 3.0 is currently available for all to download and use on their website. Download and install Gallery 3 or upgrade from a previous version.

The Gallery Development Team met the last weekend of August, 2009 in Santa Fe, NM for its annual GalleryCon. During that conference the team fixed reported Beta 2 bugs in preparation for the launch of Gallery 3.0. The Team also reviewed the Season Of Usability 2009 Survey Results which provided valuable insights into user preferences and satisfaction.

Primary Features

These are features that must be completed before Gallery 3.0 ships.


  1. View album
  2. View photo
  3. View next photo
  4. View full size photo
  5. Login
  6. View slideshow
  7. View comments
  8. View tag cloud
  9. Add new comment
  10. Search for keyword
  11. Subscribe to photo or album (receive email notifications)
  12. Recover password
  13. Edit user full name
  14. Edit user email address
  15. Choose language
  16. Recaptcha or other brute force protection


  1. Create album
  2. Upload photo/movie
  3. Rearrange photos [in-place]
  4. Move photo
  5. Move album
  6. Edit album permissions
  7. Upload watermark
  8. Watermark photo
  9. Rotate image [in-place]
  10. Edit album/photo title [in-place]
  11. Edit album/photo description [in-place]
  12. Delete photo [in-place]
  13. Tag album/photo


  1. View dashboard
  2. Create user
  3. Edit user
  4. Delete user
  5. Create group
  6. Add user to group
  7. Import from G2
  8. View available plugins
  9. Activate/deactivate plugins
  10. Manage comment settings
  11. Manage watermark settings
  12. Manage image block settings
  13. Configure blocks
  14. Toggle maintenance mode
  15. Choose theme
  16. Configure theme
  17. Configure graphics toolkit

Secondary Features

These are features that will probably not be part of the core Gallery 3 product, certainly unlikely to be in the initial release. We moved these off the high priority list because we felt that they were not actively used by 80% of our users. This does not mean that we don't want these features in the product; several of these features were hotly contested by our core developers and it is highly likely that those will be implemented for the 3.0 release, but they may not be part of the core bundle that users initially download.

This list exists so that when we're building Gallery 3 we can make sure that we make it possible (and hopefully very easy) for 3rd party developers to contribute these features in the future.

  1. reupload: replace an existing photo with a new one, leaving the metadata intact
  2. sitemap: see
  3. integration / advanced editing: ??
  4. localization: tools to aid localizing Gallery 3 into lotsa languages
  5. image frames: ability to choose decorative frames to wrap around your images (using CSS, probably)
  6. icon sets: swap in a new set of icons for the ones that ship with the product
  7. rating: rate an image from 1-5, sort by ratings, show highly rated stuff, etc.
  8. web based downloadable plugins: ability to download and add new features via the web interface
  9. additional themes: change the look of your Gallery3 with a plugin
  10. exif rotation: rotate images at upload time based on its EXIF info
  11. EXIF/IPTC: show EXIF and IPTC metadata, pulled from the source photo
  12. custom fields: create your own metadata on a photo and populate it with data
  13. RSS: export an RSS feed
  14. upload applet: some dynamic way to upload images using Flash or Java.
  15. shopping cart: put photos in a cart, then buy them.
  16. print services: have a photo printed and mailed to you
  17. album tree: show a dynamic tree of all your photos in a
  18. movies -> FLV converter: transcode your uploaded movies to FLV format
  19. hidden/password protected albums: hide an album so that it only shows up if you know the url, or p/w protect it so that you have to provide a pw to see it.
  20. symlinks/links: images in album A and album B share the same image file on disk (using symlinks)
  21. related photos: show me the photos related/similar to this one
  22. google maps: show me where in the world I took this photo
  23. DB2: Support the DB2 database
  24. Oracle: Support the Oracle database
  25. Postgres: Support the Postgres database
  26. WebDAV: Support browsing and uploading via WebDAV
  27. sitelimit: Resize big images down to smaller ones to save disk space
  28. non image formats: support mp3s, etc.
  29. e-card: send this image as an e-card to a friend
  30. windows publishing wizard: upload directly from Windows XP
  31. openID: Log in using OpenID authentication
  32. bulk download: Download an entire album in bulk form
  33. favorites: Let me mark this as one of my favorite images in the gallery, then browse my favorites
  34. formatted urls (bbcode, etc): Give me a bunch of HTML snippets that I can use to embed this image in other sites
  35. square thumbnails: force thumbnails to be square (or some other aspect ratio) for presentability/consistency
  36. cropping thumbnails: let me pick the part of the image I want to show in the thumbnail
  37. custom sorts: let me sort my album by some other metric (most views, author's name, etc)
  38. user info (avatars, im, etc): Allow users to have lots more info in their user page
  39. static pages: Let editors create static page content to make the site more presentable (provide more info, etc)
  40. permalinks: Provide short urls, permanent urls to albums/photos for sharing.
  41. view counts: Show the number of times an album or photo has been viewed
  42. user registration: Let users sign up for their own account
  43. add via email: Let users add images by sending it as an email attachment
  44. webcam: Grab stills from a webcam and put them into an album
  45. panorama: Show panorama photos with an interface that shows them off better
  46. user resize photos: ??
  47. multiple resizes

ProgrammaInfo header
Versie 3.0.4
OS Win95 WinXP Vista Windows
Website  Link
Taal Engels  
Licentie Freeware
Prijs +/- $  0 Foto previewer
Previewer e-mail Henk van Andel